Posted on 10th January, 2010

With your help, the possibility of a cure is closer than ever. As TSC is a significant genetic cause of epilepsy and autism, every pound raised to find a cure and better treatments for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex can also mean a better understanding of epilepsy and autism, even cancer – diseases that touch nearly everyone we all know and love.

So, with our ‘Write Away’ campaign we ask you to please email a personal letter to your family and friends requesting support for the Tuberous Sclerosis Association. Funds collected will assist the TSA in funding vital family support services and TSC research projects.

Write a short personal account of your child or yourself , ‘living with TSC’, and attach a photo. Please request a donation to the TSA in support of our work. Direct them to this website and tell them that to donate online they just click “donate”. All donations will be acknowledged in the usual way.

‘Helping children with tumours’

‘Helping all those ‘touched’ by TSC’

With huge thanks from the TSA.