The TSA is pleased to share our summary of the first ever UK clinical guidelines for TSC, which were published by Oxford University Press in QJM: An International Journal of Medicine last year.
The UK clinical guidelines summary can be viewed and downloaded here:
{module_literature filter=”item” itemId=”148244″}Publication of the UK clinical guidelines is a defining moment for people living with TSC and their families, with the guidelines helping to drive improvements in the consistency and quality of care that people with TSC receive from the NHS.

The summary will help clinicians working in the NHS to implement recommendations from the guidelines and improve the diagnosis, assessment, surveillance and treatment of TSC in the UK.

The TSA is eager for the TSC community to have access to its summary of the TSC clinical guidelines in full, so that people living with TSC and their families and carers can see the same information that will be given to their healthcare professionals. You may wish to read through the guidelines to consider how they apply to your individual clinical circumstances, or to help with any questions related to your care that you might have during your next NHS appointment.

Plans are underway to develop a summary of the UK guidelines summary in plain English, to make the recommendations as accessible as possible. This plain English version will be made available in hard copy and on the TSA website during Summer 2019.