#volunteersweek is coming up soon – 1 June to 7 June and we’d love to be able to share as many images as we can of all of you who have volunteered for us in any way
– be that helping to raise funds, give talks about TSC, help with events, take photos / video etc.
It’s really easy to do this. Just click on this Volunteers Week banner link here,
download the #volunteersweek banner, print it off, write on it why you volunteer for the TSA and then take a selfie with you holding it up.
Then, during #volunteersweek please post these selfies on your own profiles remembering to tag us (@thesauk) and use the hashtag #volunteersweek and
if you are on Twitter please tweet them to us @uktsa again using the #volunteersweek hashtag
Job done! You’ll be helping to encourage others to volunteer as well as raising more awareness of #TSC and the #TSA. Thank you!