Louise Fish (Chief Executive) recently shared an update on team changes at the TSA following the financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Here, Louise offers further information about how the TSA is adapting so that we can provide the best possible support for the TSC community, through the coronavirus pandemic and beyond:

Samantha Barber, Joint Chief Executive
“Last month, I shared the sad news that the TSA’s crucial work will continue with a smaller team of nine members of staff, as we work to ensure the long-term future of the charity following coronavirus. As part of these changes, the overall setup of the team will also shift, allowing us to maximise the potential of our new setup and also make the most of the talents of the team members that continue to be here for the TSC community.
Firstly, I’m delighted to share the news that I will be joined by Samantha Barber as Joint Chief Executive from 1 September 2020 to 28 February 2021, with both of us working three days each week. Samantha brings with her a wealth of experience in the charity sector, having previously led the Batten Disease Family Association as Chief Executive as well as taking senior roles at other organisations. Samantha also has a strong background in the social care sector, including as Chair of a social housing provider, which will be a great complement to my own background in the health sector. As we negotiate and prepare for the medium-to-long impact of coronavirus, Samantha will be crucial to us.
Welcoming Samantha to the TSA is not costing us anything extra, with her expertise coming to us by using the existing Chief Executive salary. In fact, Samantha’s additional expertise in income generation and fundraising will be vital in bringing money into the TSA when our brilliant Head of Income Generation, Mikaela Conlin-Hulme, starts her maternity leave in October.

Luke Langlands, Head of Communications and Support
Another area that is seeing a shift is support and information. Luke Langlands, whom many of you know well following our series of virtual meetings over the last six months, is taking the new role of Head of Communications and Support. Luke will provide oversight for internal and external information and communications, TSA events and support services.
Mega Arumugam and Anna Gaunt have also been promoted from Support Line Advisers to sharing the new role of Support Line Manager, where they will continue to offer support for those getting in touch with the TSA, whilst also leading on developing and managing the TSA Support Line.
I want to reiterate to everyone that support and information remain vital to us and our work for the TSC community. The TSA Support Line continues to operate, having helped many in the community during the first covid-19 wave and our current transition to the new normal, the information that we provide to so many individuals and families continues to be updated, and we continue to maintain and grow our strong links with NHS TSC Clinics across the UK.
The TSA’s trustees and staff remain very ambitious about what we want to achieve for the TSC community over the coming years. These changes will help us to keep delivering and improving our services for the TSC community, with the TSA’s new setup developed not only to help us negotiate coronavirus but also with growth and expansion in mind, so that our new setup matches our ambitions.
We’re determined to ensure that coronavirus won’t stop us being here for you, and our mission remains unchanged: To provide help for today and a cure for tomorrow.”
– Louise
Make a one off or regular donation
£10 Can allow us to send a welcome pack to a family who has just received a life-changing TSC diagnosis, ensuring that they do not go through this time alone.
£25 Can help us develop materials that are included in our support services, flagship events or campaigns.
£50 Can provide laboratory equipment for a day’s research into the causes, symptoms, management or treatment of TSC.
To provide help for today and a cure for tomorrow