The Challenging Behaviour Foundation has produced three new ‘At a glance’ guides aimed at family carers supporting people whose behaviour is described as challenging.
There are separate guides for adults, teenagers and children. The guides have been developed in collaboration with the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).
The guides help family carers to:
· Understand what good support and services look like
· Work in partnership with staff who are involved with the family
· Find information on what to do and who to contact if the family’s needs are not being met
David Walden, Director of Adult Services at SCIE, says “These guides look in detail at challenging behaviour and are aimed at family carers. Challenging behaviour can put families under great pressure. So, services should support parents and other family carers in their caring role. Also, problems are often caused as much by the way a young person is supported – or not supported – as by their disabilities. People often behave in a “challenging” way if they have problems understanding what’s happening around them or communicating what they want or need.”
To download the guides visit: or
Posted on 16th October, 2012