The Tuberous Sclerosis Association has a new website – tell us what you think!
If you logged onto our website recently, you will have seen that it is now new and improved! We are delighted to have created this new website for the TSC community and ‘soft’ launched it today.
We hope that this new site will be here to serve you for many years to come, with constant improvements to ensure that it can effectively represent both the TSA and the TSC community.
How is the new website different to the old one?
As our former website was quite old, many pages were outdated or hard to find. The new TSA website has been designed from scratch, with the primary focus being to make sure that it is as easy as possible to navigate and to get information.
We also hope to make our new website more accessible for as many people in the TSC community as possible, with plans to develop ‘Easy read’ versions of the majority of pages and text-to-speech software planned for site-wide installation. In the future, we hope to also add in more video content, as we know that many people in our community prefer this to text.
Has everything on the old site now been lost?
No, nothing on the old site has been lost. We are busy backing things up to make sure that this time of the TSA is preserved.
Send us your feedback
To make the new website as good as it can be, we need the TSC community’s help! You might still see some things that need ironing out, such as a small glitch or bug. This is natural for a new site launch and we are working very hard to remove any issues.
However, if you see anything that doesn’t look right, let us know via or 0300 222 5737. Nothing is too small to highlight to us and we will get it fixed as soon as possible, though this might not be immediate.
How was the new TSA website funded?
The TSA was delighted to receive funding grants from the following organisations, which allowed us to fund the development and launch of our new site:
- P F Charitable Trust
- 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust
- Joseph Strong Frazer Trust
- British Association of Dermatologists
- Esher House Charitable Trust