We are planning the workshop topics for the next#TSABigDay in September 2017.

Within our remit we have the capacity to run 3 workshops, which we will repeat and the maximum number of people we can have per workshop is around

We have run the same topics for a couple of years so wanted to get some feedback on topics that are of wide and general relevance.

As the event is attended by:

• people with TSC

• parents and carers of children with TSC

• and parents and carers of adults with TSC

we do have a range of interests to cater for but we are not able to split the workshops into smaller groups.

Please note that we are in the process of agreeing the venue for the event and will advise you of this and the dates as soon as contracts have been

So please do let us know your thoughts as your input and feedback is always very much appreciated. Please email your thoughts to social@tuberous-sclerosis.