Team TSA are thrilled to be able to provide a limited number of one-to-one sessions with clinicians during this year’s Big Day 2018 on Saturday 10 November.
We received excellent feedback from attendees last year – it was a great opportunity for families to ask behavioural and medical questions relating to TSC and receive advice and guidance if needed.
Our one-to-one sessions will run from 1.30-3.15 on the day, with each individual session lasting 15 minutes.
To book your 15-minute session, or if you require any more information, please email Bethan at
To book your 15-minute session, or if you require any more information, please email Bethan at
Below is a list with information about our six clinicians available on the day:
Angie Carroll
Angie studied at John Moore’s Liverpool University and her interest lies in the field of Renal nursing. During her time in Nephrology she has managed both Nephrology and Transplant wards. Angie has held a Matrons post in Nephrology at The Royal Liverpool Hospital and Wirral Hospital. Angie is excited to join her colleagues to develop a regional service for patients with Tuberous Sclerosis.
Chris is a UK renal physician working St. George’s Hospital medical school, and the Sussex Kidney Unit, Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals Trust, He was co-founder of the multidisciplinary Tuberous Sclerosis Clinic at St George’s Hospital. Chris has published numerous papers on the natural history and treatment of TSC. He was chief UK investigator for the Exist-2 & TOSCA studies.
Chris has a daughter with TSC, he is a Trustee of the TSA, member and Chair of its research committee (RESCOM) and he is also lead for research strategy development.
Chris has a daughter with TSC, he is a Trustee of the TSA, member and Chair of its research committee (RESCOM) and he is also lead for research strategy development.
Jane joined Aston University as a lecturer in 2017, having spent the previous four years working at the Cerebra Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders as a research fellow and clinical psychologist. Her research focuses on understanding the development of mental health and behavioural difficulties in people with intellectual disabilities.
Jill is a Consultant Paediatrician in Neurodisability at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital. Her clinical and research interests include management of children with complex medical or developmental disorders, focussing on improving function to facilitate participation and supporting their families. She is Honorary Secretary of the British Academy of Childhood Disability.
Professor Bolton is a trustee at the TSA. He is Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry, Psycholgy & Neuroscience and Honorary Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the South London & Maudsley Hospital NHS Trust, where he leads the National Specialist Clinical Service for children with autism spectrum and related disorders.
Sam is a consultant paediatric neurologist. He jointly lead the regional complex movement disorder service in University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust. He also lead the neuromuscular service in University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. He’s a scientific advisor for TSA (Tuberous Sclerosis Association) and CDKL5-UK. He’s also an honorary research associate at the supra regional Tuberous Sclerosis Complex clinic in Bath, Royal United Hospital Bath. Sam is an honorary lecturer at the University of Bristol.
TSA Advisers will be present for some of these sessions but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that an adviser will be present for all sessions. A TSA Adviser desk will be set up on the day, so if you need any information or support please come along and speak to our advisers during the morning break from 11.15-11.45 or during the lunch break from 1.00-2.30.
If you don’t get a chance to speak to your adviser on the day, please call or email your adviser – they’re more than happy to help. A list of TSA Advisers can be found here on our TSA Advisers page here.