Votubia (Everolimus) Fact Sheet

Votubia® (everolimus) Fact Sheet What is Votubia® (everolimus)? Votubia® (everolimus), is a prescription-only medicine for patients at least three years of age with subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) associated with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) who require therapeutic intervention but are not amenable to surgery. Votubia

Votubia Launched in UK

The Tuberous Sclerosis Association (TSA) is delighted that the drug Votubia® (Everolimus) was launched in the UK today, to provide a treatment option for people with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) who have growing non-malignant brain tumours which are not suitable for removal by surgery. Everolimus, which

Write Away to cure TSC

Posted on 10th January, 2010 With your help, the possibility of a cure is closer than ever. As TSC is a significant genetic cause of epilepsy and autism, every pound raised to find a cure and better treatments for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex can also mean a

Epilim and Pregnancy

Epilim and Pregnancy A study carried out at the University of Liverpool has found that children born to mothers who took sodium valproate (Epilim) were six times more likely to have neurodevelopmental problems including autism and ADHD. They found that the risk was even higher