£80,000 award to fund Challenging behaviour and Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Tuberous Sclerosis

Lucy Wilde, from the Cerebra Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders in the School of Psychology, has been awarded one of the first postdoctoral research training fellowships from the UK support group charity the Tuberous Sclerosis Association. The research, which will be based at the Cerebra Centre

Challenging Behaviour information

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation has produced new summary information sheets about challenging behaviour. Their information sheets are written by experts and cover a wide range of topics connected to challenging behaviour and severe learning disabilities. They are written for both family carers and professionals. The

Facts about TSC:

Here are 31 Facts about TSC: 1.    TSC is genetic disorder that causes tumors to form in vital organs. 2.    It is estimated that TSC affects 1 in 6,000 births. 3.    More than 1 million people worldwide have TSC. 4.    TSC is the leading genetic

Holiday Information Guide 2013

The Hft Holiday Information guide is a resource packed full of ideas and information regarding holidays for people with learning disabilities. The guide includes: Pre-booking information Information on guides provided by other organisations Tour Operators Places to stay in the UK and abroad Meeting specialist

Insurance information

If you are having problems with finding travel or life insurance, please click here for Insurance information from the Genetic Alliance. The Genetic Alliance have found these insurers often have helpful policies for patients who have had difficulties with insurance: Travel: Insurancewith Life: AllClear The Genetic