Leave a legacy
How to leave a gift in your Will
Thank you for considering leaving a gift to the Tuberous Sclerosis Association
A legacy gift is when a person generously decides to give to us at the end of their lives, with the gift usually outlined in their Will.
The impact of donations via a person’s Will to the Tuberous Sclerosis Association (TSA) cannot be underestimated, funding a high proportion of the work that we do to support people living with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC).
Leaving the TSA a gift in your Will is a wonderful and powerful gesture, allowing you to continue to help the TSC community even after you are no longer here.
Leaving a gift in your Will could make that future breakthrough possible – the one that could mean future generations will not be faced with the devastating reality of life with TSC.
What a special gift that would be.
How can I write my Will for free?
We all know the importance of writing a Will, which is why we’ve partnered with Kwil to give everyone in the TSC community the chance to write their Will online, completely for free and in as little as 30 minutes. Once your Will is complete enter the code ‘THETSA’ and there will be nothing to pay.
How legacies help to create a better future
Legacy gifts of all amounts are incredibly important to our work, with legacy gifts sustaining the TSA often over many years. For example, a large legacy gift kindly given to us in 1993 continues to benefit us even now, as we use it to invest in research to improve the lives of those living with TSC.
In 2020, we received a staggering £50,000 from legacy giving. In what was a turbulent year due to the coronavirus pandemic, this generous support provided us with a safe haven and allowed the TSA to continue doing everything that we do. Thanks to this generosity, we guided everyone in the TSC community through a year like no other – ensuring that everyone who needed our support received it – and that our TSC community events could continue virtually, so that no-one felt alone.
Without the generosity and selflessness of legacy donors, the TSA would have been in in a very different position to where we now find ourselves.
How we use your donations
Thanks to supporters like you across UK, we can provide information, support and other services to people living with TSC, and fund life-changing research every year.
You can trust the TSA to spend your donation well. For every £1 we receive, we spend 18p on research, 29p on support, 23p on communications and events, invest 25p in fundraising and 5p on governance.
Read more about our impact here.
Of every £1 we spent:

Our legacy promise
We understand the significance of legacy giving and make these promises:
- We absolutely understand that your loved ones come first in your Will
- We’ll never pressure someone considering a legacy donation. We understand this is a big decision and want you to decide in your own time
- We’ll respect your privacy. You don’t have tell us why you would like to provide us with a legacy, nor will we even ask the size or type of legacy if it has been left in your Will
- We promise to use your gift wisely, cost-effectively and in accordance with your wishes. Every penny you give will work its hardest
- We understand that circumstances change and there might come a time where you change your mind
- We’ll do our best to keep you updated about the work of the TSA, in whichever way you’d prefer
Leaving a gift in your Will FAQs
Here are the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about leaving a gift in a Will. However, if there’s anything else you’d like to know, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the form below our by calling 0300 222 5737. We’d be happy to help.
Is there suggested wording I should use to leave a gift in my Will?
Your solicitor should be familiar with the wording to use. However, here are two options depending on the type of gift you would like to leave:
Leaving a percentage or share of your estate (residuary gift)
I give to the Tuberous Sclerosis Association of Nightingale House, 46-48 East Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 1HQ, registered charity number 1039549, [all/_% of the residue] of my estate absolutely for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of a proper officer at Tuberous Sclerosis Association for the time being shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor(s).
Leaving a cash gift (pecuniary gift)
I give to Tuberous Sclerosis Association of Nightingale House, 46-48 East Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 1HQ, registered charity number 1039549, the sum of [specify words and figures] free of tax for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of a proper officer at Tuberous Sclerosis Association for the time being shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor(s).
If you already have a Will and would like to add a cash and/or specific gift for the Tuberous Sclerosis Association, you can do so by completing this simple Codicil form.
Please do not write on your existing Will as it could become invalid.
Gifts in Wills to charities are tax efficient. The threshold at which inheritance tax kicks in changes from time to time. To ensure you have the most up to date information and understand the tax implications for your estate, you should discuss this with your solicitor who will be able to advise.
A single Will is a Will for an individual. Mirror Wills, are two separate Wills which set out the same wishes within both. Essentially, mirroring each other.
If you have a child or other loved one with TSC you may want to discuss setting up a Discretionary Trust for them with your solicitor. This is because if they inherit a lump sum of money, it can affect any means-tested benefits they currently or may one day receive.
A Discretionary Trust ensures that your money for your child is protected for their future.
Yes you can, although we ask you discuss your specific wishes with us before making your will.
Then, along with the standard wording, which depends on the type of gift you are making, you will simply need to add: ‘I express the wish for the money to be used for the benefit of [insert name of service or area of interest].’
Alternatively, you can make your gift to the TSA as a whole, and we’ll use it where the need is greatest.
We know that people’s circumstances and priorities change. If you would like to change your mind about leaving us a gift in your will then you are free to do so.
Always ask your solicitor to help you make changes to your will so that they are valid. They can add a form called a codicil to your existing will with details of these changes.
There is absolutely no obligation to tell us if you choose to include the TSA in your will. However, we are always happy to hear from our supporters, and by letting us know your intentions, we’ll know how best to support you. It also gives us a chance to thank you if you do decide to remember the TSA in your will.
Of course, any information you provide is completely confidential and in no way legally binding.
Help for executors of gifts in Wills
Guidance to help you manage a gift to the TSA from a Will. Being the executor of a Will can seem overwhelming, so we have put together some information about The TSA to help you.
Thank you for everything you are doing as guardian of such a wonderful gift!
Get in touch
If you are the executor of a Will and it includes a gift to the TSA, please get in touch. You can contact our Head of Income Generation, Sara Eltman at sara.eltman@tuberous-sclerosis.org or phone 0300 222 5737. Alternatively, you can use the enquiry form below.
What we’ll ask from you
We want to help in any way we can as there are legal steps to follow and important information required by beneficiaries:
- The name and address of the person that has given us a gift in their Will
- A copy of the Will (or the relevant sections), where it shows the executors’ authority to act and any special wishes relating to the gift
- The amount that has been given (or the percentage)
- By law, executors must provide all beneficiaries with estate accounts if the gift is residuary (a percentage or portion of an estate)
Send the gift to the TSA
When the time comes, we can provide you with details to make a bank payment.
Alternatively, please make a cheque payable to: Tuberous Sclerosis Association
Please post cheques to:
c/o Nightingale House
46-48 East Street
KT17 1HQ
Please use reference ‘Legacy – [Surname of Deceased]’ with the bank payment or cheque to help us identify and acknowledge the gift.
When we receive the funds, we will send you an acknowledgement using the details you have provided.
Remember, you can also seek legal and other professional advice to help you with your role as an executor, as well as getting basic advice from the beneficiary/charity.
Contact us
If you’re considering leaving a gift to The TSA in your Will, have already done so or have questions a executors, we’d love to hear from you.
We understand that your Will is a personal matter and any information you provide will be treated confidentially. Please contact our Head of Income Generation, Sara Eltman at sara.eltman@tuberous-sclerosis.org or phone 0300 222 5737. Alternatively, you can use the enquiry form below:
Make a one off or regular donation
£10 Can allow us to send a welcome pack to a family who has just received a life-changing TSC diagnosis, ensuring that they do not go through this time alone.
£25 Can help us develop materials that are included in our support services, flagship events or campaigns.
£50 Can provide laboratory equipment for a day’s research into the causes, symptoms, management or treatment of TSC.
To provide help for today and a cure for tomorrow