Currently Deputy Chairman, and soon to be Chair, Martin Short shares his thoughts for #trusteesweek
Why did you become a Trustee for the TSA?
I have been a member of the TSA for over 25 years. I was invited to join a sub-committee of the Board, then the Board elected me Deputy Chairman. All you need to do apparently is keep saying yes!
What does your role as a trustee involve?
The TSA is a people organisation. I believe communication within the TSA is important – especially opportunities to meet face to face and I have been encouraging this. I will also be doing a double act with Chris Kingswood at the AGM weekend as we try and make the science of where we currently are with TSC easier to understand.
What are your plans/wishes for the future of TSA?
My other particular interest is our strategic direction. There was a clear steer in the membership survey for us to provide more local opportunities for people to get together – support for today. We also need to become more vocal as a rare disease charity to help ensure the treatments we need are made available. Above all, we need to press on towards our goal of having a cure for tomorrow. We can now see light at the end of the tunnel, but there is still some way to go.