We need YOUR help in the fight to get access to TSC medicines
We’re working flat out for the TSC community to have access to new medicines

The TSA does everything that we can to make sure that decision-makers come to the right decision in TSC treatment and therapy access. But, we can only do this with YOUR help.
This page outlines all of our current and ongoing campaigns, so that you can help us to ensure that the TSC community gets the treatment and therapy access that they deserve.
The clock is ticking, and we need you.
Epidyolex® (cannabidiol) for TSC-related epilepsy
Epidyolex® (cannabidiol) was recently approved by UK regulator the Medicines Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for TSC-related epilepsy. But, this is just the first step to the TSC community getting access to this important medicine option.
If we’re going to be successful, we need you to help us demonstrate to decision-makers why access to Epidyolex® is so vital.
We have already shared the views of people living with TSC and their families with Welsh decision-makers. Now, we need to tell Scottish decision-makers about experiences of taking Epidyolex®.

We can campaign only thanks to donations
To provide help for today and a cure for tomorrow