Event terms and conditions
Please note that there are separate terms and conditions for the International TSC Research Conference 2021 which you can find here.
Before registering for this event, you must be fit to participate and should seek medical advice if appropriate. You should inform the event organisers of any relevant existing medical conditions and any arising after registration that might affect your participation.
Your safety is of paramount importance. Please ensure that you follow all safety instructions and training procedures when participating in events.
All reasonable steps have been taken to eliminate the chance of injury but there is a certain minimal risk in every activity and you should withdraw from the event if you have any doubts. TSA, its employees, agents and volunteers accept no liability whatsoever to participants or spectators in respect of any loss, damage or personal injury which may be sustained in the course of this event other than personal injury (including death) caused by our negligence. Liability cannot be accepted for any damage, injury or loss arising from the negligence of participants (whether through failure to observe the rules of the event or otherwise).
Minimum ages are specified for some events. These assume an average level of competence and maturity. However all participants under 18 require parental consent and it is for parents to decide if the event is appropriate for their child, seeking additional information, if necessary.
We reserve the right to prohibit individuals from taking part, and will do so if participants under 18 have failed to provide evidence of parental consent.
Registration varies for events and is non-refundable. We ask all participants to raise a minimum amount of sponsorship for TSA, as outlined on the event description and supporting material. When the event is a team effort, Team Leaders are responsible for their team’s fundraising target.
Photographs may be taken of you during the event which may be used to publicise future events and the work of the charity generally including on our website.
We regularly review and update this policy to make sure it is accurate and simple to understand. This policy was last updated in October 2019 .
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Make a one off or regular donation
£10 Can allow us to send a welcome pack to a family who has just received a life-changing TSC diagnosis, ensuring that they do not go through this time alone.
£25 Can help us develop materials that are included in our support services, flagship events or campaigns.
£50 Can provide laboratory equipment for a day’s research into the causes, symptoms, management or treatment of TSC.
To provide help for today and a cure for tomorrow