I first became involved with the TSA in the late 1980s, writes Patrick Bolton, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, King’s College London.
Ann Hunt’s work showed that there was a high rate of autism connected to TSC and I was interested to find out why. When I took up a senior lectureship in Cambridge in the early 1990s, I linked up with John Yates to study TSC more systematically.
I have always been hugely impressed by the TSA and its commitment to supporting families and research. It is a model charity as far as I am concerned and people affected by TSC, their families, loved ones and carers, show amazing strength and commitment to tackling the disease.
My contribution to the work of the TSA has been through my clinical work in TSC clinics, my research and teaching and my help and support for the charity’s work.
The TSA has been a longstanding partner to me, and, much of my work would not have been possible without its support.
I have been very moved by the challenges faces by many people with TSC and, also, the sad loss of individuals connected to the charity (Janet Medcalf and Ann Hunt are two who immediately spring to mind). The TSA has been a major inspiration for me.
I hope that, together, we will continue to make good progress and success in treating TSC.