
What is TSC?

TSC is a genetic condition that can lead to growths in various organs of the body, but those most commonly affected are the brain, eyes, heart, kidney, skin and lungs.

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Help & support

We support individuals and families affected by TSC. Our dedicated advisers and active community are here for you.

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TSC stories

The stories behind a TSC diagnosis, showcasing the individuals, families and communities affected by TSC and the rich and fulfilling lives that they lead.

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Make a one off or regular  donation

£10 Can allow us to send a welcome pack to a family who has just received a life-changing TSC diagnosis, ensuring that they do not go through this time alone.

£25 Can help us develop materials that are included in our support services, flagship events or campaigns.

£50 Can provide laboratory equipment for a day’s research into the causes, symptoms, management or treatment of TSC.

To provide help for today and a cure for tomorrow.